Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Due to the current economic condition, we are cancelling all fun.

So we get our "Monday Memo" yesterday from our kids' school. Blah, blah, yeah, yeah, WHAT???? "We have chosen to eliminate the table decorating contest for this year." What in the hell are they talking about???!!! So we have this annual trivia night for our elementary school and it's our biggest fundraiser so it's a big deal. Part of the deal has always been you have a theme for your table of 8 participants. You decorate your table, or eliminate your table and sit around a faux campfire; you dress up in interesting outfits or costumes and it's fun and kooky and silly and crazy. Because, come on, like it's really about the trivia. So here we are two years ago -- Deal or No Deal -- right? We get one of our handsome men to dress like a gorgeous woman and it's a hit. Studio 54 walked around last year with mirrors and razor blades and....powdered sugar or whatever. It's just all, again, silly because why the heck not?! And now we're just supposed to come and sit around and listen to trivial stuff and, oh, now we'll have more time to look at all the auction items and bid and bid and bid and donate lots of money to the school! You know, with all those savings from not decorating your table. Wait. Donate? Lots of money? "Due to the current economic situation, we expect donations this year to be down from previous years." What's that you say? You're right! The economy stinks. Completely in the crapper. There's no way I can run around and bid and bid and bid and spend money I don't have! What if I lose my job? What if I'm already unemployed? Thank god you reminded me. After I call to cancel cable, I guess I'll stay home that night and have a can of soup and watch 30 Rock.....now that's fun.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Welcome back to blogging, you are good at it and it is interesting to read your writing - glad you sent me the link!
    2) YEAH! WTF???? I am finding a number of people that feel "relieved" that the change has been made. I feel another case of the "us and thems" coming on...
    3) Don't forget the "overall theme" for the night: "Are you smarter than a Bristol 5th Grader". Bring on the geometry questions!
