Sunday, November 19, 2006

I’ll just marry someone to do the dishes.

Ah, it started out innocently enough. R, the 5 yr old: “I wish I was a grown-up.” He had woken up after half an hour by a bad dream; came downstairs and saw me reading a magazine. The glamour of grown-up life. He then talked me into some grannilla (granola) and I promptly returned to my dishwashing duty. We talked about all the responsibilities that come with being a grown-up and the myraid of fabulous things about being a kid. So, yeah, he basically got the don’t-wish-your-life-away schpiel. I did include that, like me, if he was a grown-up he would still be awake doing things like working or the dishes. “I’ll just marry someone to do the dishes.”

Houston, we’ve got a BIG problem...!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

the tipping point

I never really defined myself as having an addictive personality. But upon reflection, maybe I should. Because now, I can't seem to get enough.

It all started innocently enough. Sister leaves book at other sister's house. Hey, read this and then we can take Mom to the movies. So the temptation and desire started with another form of media — the moving picture. So I blasted through the first book. Kept picturing Tom Hanks, but that was okay. Saw the movie. Enjoyed — but I think only because of the other form of media — the printed word.

Fast forwarded through book two. Returned borrowed book club book to neighbor — loan time approximately 2 1/2 years. Hey, the twins were babies! Mention what has happened to my dear journalism-degree friend. Another book club book dropped off (why is everyone else in a book club??). Almost didn't even need a bookmark for that one.

Perhaps it's the timing. Son #1 is learning to read. Read. Oh my gosh! I know how to read! I learned how to read for fun a LONG time ago! This huge epiphany occurred. I absolutely love reading fiction. It feels so invigorating to me right now. I'm transporting myself to all these places and characters' minds and, wow, what an escape. What a tipping point.

Speaking of which, I'm heading downstairs to pick up my next read.

Friday, May 26, 2006

"That's okay, Mom, today I'm being really flexible."

When it happens it's just magic. Concepts. We've been working on them. One at a time making our way through different words, different concepts, different actions. Flexibility was the key word a few weeks ago. We haven't moved on to emphasize something new yet; I've been a little preoccupied...more on that later. For some reason son #1 R, who is just five, likes to have you trim his toenails so that they are barely hanging on and he can pull them off. A matter of control I suppose because as any parent knows all small children really are in charge. So tonight I clip one and it comes off completely. Oops, sorry about that R. "That's okay, Mom, today I'm being really flexible."

Today it's toenails, 20 years from now let it be something equally as significant in his life.