Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Shiny, happy people

What we've been through, oh, the past seven weeks, two days, eleven hours and three minutes, has been completely insane. There wasn't a day without extreme meltdowns, extreme pestering and extreme exhaustion (okay, the last one only on my part). And then, as usual, something happened. Ask my friends, "Whatever it is, it won't last forever." Not that I'm trying to publish a book of my own memorable, inspirational quotations...but this one works.

It (mostly) all began with a night out for pizza. The kids requested California Pizza Kitchen, and since pizza's not really on the "Beach," hey, that's just great. As we're eating and talking and making our way through the "I want more lemonade"s, C starts singing something. What's that, sweetie?

Above the din of our crowd and the restaurant he found the way out. This is what I've been looking for. This is what they are and this is what I will see in them and this is what I'll be.

Score one for REM.