Saturday, May 22, 2010

Quandaries, quizzes, and things no one else can quite understand.

Quandary. My brother had one on Friday. LIkely he's still in "a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation."

So, I was quizzed. W-W-you-D? My answer was along the lines of supporting the personal-life decision. The client was not really being reasonable. They had addressed the client's concerns, and everything would be just fine if this deadline that was getting in the way of a valuable life session of fun was moved. Until later. So my brother could go join everyone (else) (I'm not going there then) (wait, that's not fair) in Seattle.

But here I am. On a Saturday night. Doing something not many others can quite understand. I'm working. Because I want to. On a project. Because I'm loving it and I feel strongly that it needs to be the very best it can possibly be. Where did he and I get this drive? This push-it-at-all-costs passion?

I don't know, but now I think I'm in a quandary. It seems kind of hypocritical to advise him to not make a sacrifice, adjust his personal life, so he can continue to pursue his passion.


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